Tubal Recanalization


Fallopian Tube Recanalization

Fallopian tubes are the important part of the female reproductive system and play the crucial role in the natural conception so this tube also signifies the female fertility. Fallopian tubes are the pathway through which the egg moves from the ovaries to the uterus. Blockage of this path can definitely stop the egg to move to the uterus so conception will not occur.
The blockage of the tubes can occur due to various reasons like infection, sexually transmitted disease, fibroids and scarring in the uterus. Blocked tubes are the common cause of female infertility so the women who want to get pregnant they have to seek for the appropriate treatment option for their blockage.
There can be various treatments for the blocked tubes like open abdominal surgery, laparoscopy but the most effective and least invasive is fallopian tube recanalization.

    Make An Appointment

    What to Expect Before the Procedure

    During the pre-consultation of the patient, the doctor provides him various instructions to follow before and after the treatment and patient is asked to visit Tubal Recanalisation treatment center in Punjab again two days before the procedure.

    Two days the prior patient has been prescribed to take the antibiotic called Doxycycline twice a day and this drug is asked to continue for two days after the treatment. To make the procedure comfortable, the patient has been given some medications for relaxation and pain relief before the procedure. Moreover, the intravenous line is placed before the procedure.

    The patient is advised not to eat anything after the midnight of the procedure day. The patient is also asked to take ibuprofen 400mg the night before and on the morning of the day when you are going to have the procedure.

    What is the Fallopian Tube Recanalization or FTR?

    It is the nonsurgical procedure so is safe and noninvasive for the females with blocked fallopian tubes. It is the quite an effective treatment for reopening the blocked tubes without any cuts or incision. This procedure has been done in the following steps

    Our experienced doctor start the procedure by placing the speculum into the vagina and then the small plastic tube called a catheter is passed through the cervix into the uterus of the patient
    Through the plastic tube, liquid contrast agent or called dye is injected into the uterus. After injecting the dye uterine cavity is monitored on the nearby system using x-ray.
    With the help of HSG means the uterus and fallopian tube picture, the doctor determines about the blockage means whether it is in one tube or in both sides.
    Then through the first inserted catheter, another smaller catheter is inserted to clear the blockage.

    With this effective and nonsurgical procedure 90% patients can get positive results means their fallopian tubes get reopened with this nonsurgical way FTR.

    Benefits of FTR

    This procedure highly results oriented and can give various benefits to the patients with blocked tubes

    • It is the procedure in which no incision is required to unblock the tubes.
    • This procedure is the outpatient procedure and can be performed under local anesthesia
    • It is the scar free and painless procedure
    • Tubal Recanalisation cost in India is also lesser as compared to other surgical procedures
    • There is a lesser risk of infection or other potential side effects which are associated with the surgical procedures

    Do You Have Any Questions?

    Questions on your mind, please feel free to ask them and we will help you in no time, indeed.