July 6, 2020 BY ivf 49343 Views

What are the reasons behind traveling to India to get IVF treatment

Infertility is explained as an inability of a woman to have a baby even after 12 months or more than 12 months of intercourse with her partner. 

The IVF procedure’s success rate depends on the following different factors:

  • The age of the woman

  • Infertility duration

  • The type (primary or secondary) of infertility

  • Infertility triggers

  • Sperm, egg and embryo production quality

  • The growth of the endometrial

If you are one of them, who is struggling to have a baby, you need to visit the IVF center in Punjab. Have you ever thought about why couples travel to Punjab, India to get IVF treatment?

Let’s clear this thing by reading this article properly.

IVF progress rates in India-Figures of importance

In India, the performance rate for IVF varies from 30 percent to 35 percent in relation to the above listed variables. For young people worldwide, the overall performance rate of IVF is around 40%. Women under the age of 35 often have better odds of achievement. The progress rate of the most frequently-used ART is typically calculated on the basis of live birth per embryo transfer.

Many of the clinics now have a complete freeze procedure. The effective rates of IVF in India have improved dramatically with the introduction of new-age reproductive techniques. Endometrial receptivity analysis (ERA) is one of these technologies which, through analyzing endometrium at a molecular level, may benefit patients who have repeated implantation failures.

Why are people traveling to India to get IVF treatment?

Expertise: From the 1980s to 2020 in India, our IVF center delivered over 15,000 more babies through ART.

Comfort and ease of care for the patient: Firstly, patients receive easy treatment. Because we concentrate on experienced physicians, technicians of laboratory, nursing personnel we are able to provide the patient with the best results and optimal treatment.

High Success Rate: As we stated in the previous point about experienced specialists in India, this is the main reason for the high success rates of IVF in India.

Our specialty: We were in the list of first few centers, who provided comprehensive genital tuberculosis, PCOS, and endometriosis treatment across the country.

Egg donation and surrogacy have high success rates-: The success rate for egg donation and substituting is extremely good and successful in India.

Consistency & Climate: We have full transparency in care, significant workers, welcoming atmosphere, and outstanding performance. All these amenities are valuable to turn your dream into reality.

Technology: The majority of couples travel to India to get IVF because of State-of-the-art infrastructure in line with one of the strongest IVF centers in the country.