July 25, 2020 BY ivf 59611 Views

Fertility Counseling During COVID-19 Pandemic

GCR Memorial Hospital and Asha Test Tube Baby Centre: Most patients say they become more worried regarding the diagnosis of fertility during this COVID-19 pandemic. Any path towards reproduction must certainly remain unpredictable, but many individuals have undoubtedly thought like they have lost sight of the situation in the current COVID-19 pandemic, patients who may not know whether their therapy will continue or start.

At all, conceiving is a task that can have a profound impact on the mind of an individual. We are persuaded that COVID-19 has just introduced a set of feelings that are ambiguous, sometimes contrasting. Perhaps more than ever, patients will profit from guidance from a professional fertility counselor who can help them manage their feelings together with their relatives, colleagues, community networks, or blogs and train them emotionally to continue their treatment. For this, you have to visit the best IVF centre in Punjab.

Fertility counseling at our clinic.

  • Our fertility clinic offers treatment for all, anywhere they are on the fertilization journey, and during every point of care, free of charge. Our clinic has a dedicated fertility counselor, so you will see the doctor several times. We offer people and families a comfortable and compassionate room apart from the hospital setting to discuss their feelings with someone who is fully conscious, but not personally interested in them.

  • In the pandemic, we are not offering face-to-face counseling sessions, because we know the value of your health. That’s why we decide to talk to our patients on the phone or online like skype, WhatsApp, and other methods of calling.

  • Such clinics offer a chance to discuss feelings that bother you and develop realistic coping mechanisms that can be applied every day. Understanding strategies for the recognition and control of unpleasant feelings can not only help you feel more relaxed, mentally, and emotionally.

  • Naturally, you will like to speak to a psychologist regarding issues that are irrelevant to COVID-19; we will help you in any subjects concerning your capacity to deal with fertility care or exposure to it. Many patients strongly adhere to fertility care, but the tension may be compounded as their diagnosis contributes to complicated and challenging choices, such as contemplating options to family, maybe through donated eggs, sperm or embryos. That is a traumatic process.

  • Fertility problems often affect marriages badly, because patients sometimes feel confused regarding their diagnosis and how to handle the situation mentally. You should speak to a psychologist personally or together whether you are part of a group, in order to allow you to better realize how to assist each other. Your psychologist will support you by soft, unconvincing, and caring exploratory dialog.