August 13, 2020 BY ivf 81354 Views

How Laparoscopic surgery can prove beneficial for infertility issues?

Laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopy helps to reduce the post-operative pain and open surgery risk is minimized. To make sure you get the best treatment plan and understanding of the procedure, then visit our IVF centre in Punjab.

Ideally, the most common operative method is ovarian drilling, myomectomy will help to remove the fibroids from the uterus. Additionally, irregular periods and pelvic pain issues can be addressed. The fibroids can result in blockage in the uterus and this makes it extremely difficult for the women to conceive.

When do you need to undergo Laparoscopy?

With our healthcare expert, you can undergo laparoscopic surgery to address the issue of infertility and according to the test results, the doctor will suggest what you need to get.

Some of the condition in which laparoscopy treatment is suggested are:

  • Menstrual cramps / pelvic pain
  • Suspected hydrosalpinx: This is a case of a blocked fallopian tube that hinders IVF success rates.
  • Fibroids that cause pain
  • Suspected endometriosis
  • Any inflammatory disease or pelvic adhesions
  • Endometrial deposits that are detrimental to fertility
  • A suspected ovarian cyst that may or may not cause pain or distortion in the uterine cavity.


Why is it important to undergo the treatment?

Although the treatment of laparoscopy for infertility is still in debate, there are certain infertility cases in which this surgical method is the visible choice. With this option, it becomes easy for the doctors to see inside the abdomen and diagnose the growth of cysts. This method is also perfect to eliminate the problem of scar tissue, endometrial deposits, and fibroids.


What is the method of doing it?

To undergo the surgery, you need to get general anesthesia. The treatment needs to be performed in a suitable fertility clinic. Also, make sure the surgeon and the entire team is highly skilled and experienced to guide the patients about the preparation method.

During the surgery, a mask will be placed on you and breathing gas for a few minutes so that you fall asleep. After that, the doctor will make a small cut around the belly area. With the cut, the abdomen area is filled with carbon dioxide gas.

Then the tube is inserted to check the pelvic organs, and the surgeon might also do the biopsy. The entire process is started and the surgeon can examine the pelvic organs, scar tissues, fibroids, abdominal organs, and endometrial growths. If there is a risk of ectopic surgery, then fallopian tubes can be checked by the doctor.

What happens after the surgery?

The patient is under Anaesthesia effects and they do not feel any pain. The area around the incision can be sore which is normal. To recover properly it takes around 2 to 3 days and also depends on what type of surgery you are getting.