August 22, 2020 BY ivf 81504 Views

What are the important things you need to know before visiting an IVF clinic?

IVF treatment has helped many patients diagnosed with infertility. Without a doubt, the treatment success rate is higher as compared to any other fertility treatment. You must visit the best IVF centre in Punjab to increase the chances of conception. Given below are some of the important things you need to consider while selecting the IVF clinic:

  • Pregnancy versus live birth rate

IVF success rate declines as women get older. For the women under the age of 30, they have a success rate of 26 percent with each fresh cycle. For women, over 40 they have around 6 percent chances. So, when you are looking for an IVF clinic, you need to check the pregnancy rate. The pregnancy rate is about the women who have given live birth and their baby is fine. Keep in mind, there is no obligation for the clinic to provide this information and if they refuse you should not opt for that clinic.

  • Blastocyst culture

Another factor you need to consider is the use of blastocysts culture. Now the treatment aims to grow embryos for 5 days or till the time it turns into a blastocyst. The selection process can make it easier for embryologists to choose the best quality embryo for transfer. The doctor makes sure to check the embryo at first, otherwise, it won’t be used to transfer.

In the end, it is also your personal preference that you want to opt for. If you have any doubt, then consult our experienced fertility doctor for a better understanding.

  • Use of sperm injections

According to the male sperm count, it might be needed to inject the sperm directly into the egg. The infertility reason plays an essential role in treatment success. If the male partner is diagnosed with infertility then the doctor can suggest the option of ICSI. During this treatment, the individual sperm is injected into the egg directly. According to your condition, the fertility expert will guide on what treatment plan you need to get.

  • Check the lab standards

Embryos are highly sensitive to things such as a change in temperature and oxygen level. All these conditions need to be monitored tightly so that the success rate increases. The embryologist makes sure there are proper lab standards so that everything goes properly.

When you visit the IVF clinic make sure that you check whether they have a proper lab facility or not. These might seem small things but they leave a great impact on the treatment results.

Book your appointment

While planning to get the treatment, make sure to consider these points so that you choose the best IVF clinic. If you are looking for one then visit our IVF clinic.