June 2, 2021 BY ivf 46414 Views

Ovulation: Everything you need to know about the ovulation cycle and test

If you have decided to have a baby, then you might be wondering, ‘How to track ovulation?’ The chances of conception are higher when the woman is ovulating. Therefore, it becomes important to understand the ovulation cycles, determine the fertility window, and understand what tests can be done to improve the chances of conception.

What is ovulation?

Ovulation is the cycle that begins with egg release from the ovaries. Ovulation occurs during the mid part of the menstrual cycle. The woman can conceive when the sperm cell travels from the fertile man and reaches the vagina into the uterus by going through the fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg will reach down the fallopian tubes and then start dividing itself into the cells:

  • First 2 cells
  • Then 4 cells
  • Division continues

One week after the fertilization, the cell division forms around 100 cells. In medical terms, it is known as a blastocyst. Some of the cells will continue to divide and form the baby. The rest of them will provide the oxygen supply and necessary nourishment to the placenta. The hormones are released by the body which gives a signal that the baby is growing in the uterus. It also gives the signal to keep its lining. In case, your period is missed, then it might be the first sign you have conceived. Ovulation tests can also help in this case.

Why should a woman understand her fertility window?

The chances of pregnancy are higher when you have sex in and around ovulation. The fertility level is higher in 3 days that can lead to ovulation. This is the time frame to have intercourse and increase your chances of conception.

Although, 12 to 24 hours following ovulation, the woman is not able to conceive as the egg is no longer present in the fallopian tube. The chances of pregnancy are zero when you have sex after or before the fertile window.

How can I track my ovulation cycle?

An ovulation test might provide you with the required information. Apart from that, you should note down the menstrual cycle length. The most fertile window is around the 10th to 15th day. In this period, it is important to consider the hormonal & physical changes in the body.

Although, there is no exact science involved in the process to determine the fertile window with your date. Here are some of the signs which you should understand are:

  • Changes in cervical mucus

If your cervical mucus changes, then it is one of the indications. Once the menstrual cycle is done the cervical mucus decreases in terms of quantity and even the texture changes.

  • Body temperature changes

Make sure that you keep track of your body temperature. Check the temperature every day when you get up in the morning.

  • Bellyache

One of the researches has shown that 1/5th of women will experience something different in the ovaries at the time of ovulation. The pain is felt from a mild ache to twinges of pain.

  • Feeling sociable and sexy

During ovulation, the women’s mood improves, sex drive increases, and she starts feeling sociable. So, these are some of the additional signs which are noticed when the woman is ovulating.

Do I need to consider ovulation tests?

In case, you are still in doubt about the method to check the ovulation cycle, or when you are most fertile. It would be better to consider the ovulation test to determine when you are ovulating. Through an ovulation test, it will make it easier to check the luteinizing hormone present in the urine.

These hormone levels will go up, 12 to 36 hours before ovulation, and checking this would help the women to know when is the right time.

Consult the fertility doctor

One of the most fruitful and best methods to determine your ovulation cycle and fertile window or anything related to pregnancy, you should consult the fertility expert.