January 22, 2021 BY ivf 100972 Views

Why female fertility specialists are a better choice than male gynecologists?

Almost all women want their check up to be done by female gynecologists. It is because one feels more comfortable when he or she is diagnosed with a doctor of the same sex. That is the reason why an IVF Centre in Punjab takes into consideration the aspect of getting the patient treated with a doctor of the same sex. But when it comes to male infertility, even male candidates sometimes prefer undergoing check-up from female candidates. It is because of the tender nature of females that patients want to get treated from them.

Subsequent are the major points of why patients prefer going to female fertility specialists.

  • Comfort Zone

It is like females that they feel more comfortable deliberating about their reproductive health to another woman. This is because the session with the gynecologists does not only involve the dialogue about the problem. It may take place that the gynecologists or obstetricians may need to physically or manually examine your reproductive parts. The females are generally uncomfortable in exposing their intimate parts to a male gynecologist or obstetrician.

The deliberation session also includes the dialogue bout sex and sex-positions. The female may feel shy or embarrassed while discussing so. Consequently, she will not be able to deliver the required information to the doctor

  • Understanding Level

It is quite obvious being a female, a female gynecologist will be able to address the problem of female patients by understanding its impact on the physical as well as the mental health of the woman. Once in a while, it takes place that the female is not able to tell the problem in a precise way. If a female gynecologist is inspecting that patient then she would be able to guess the problem because of the same-sex understanding characteristic. Moreover, it is relevant to mention here that no matter the patient is taking consultation from a same-sex doctor or an opposite-sex doctor, it takes at least 2 to 3 visits for the patient to open completely and build up an understanding level.

What are the main factors which make one consider that choice of a female gynecologist for reproductive problems is the best?

  • Refer to specialists

Once in a while, patients do consider this fact while choosing a gynecologist. Patients are likely to pick the choice of female gynecologists because they tend to refer the case of the patient to a specialized doctor as compared to the male gynecologist.

  • Miscarriage and Abortion

Female doctors are more likely to handle the cases of miscarriages and abortion with tenderness. These are the most critical times in the lives of women. It’s quite obvious that female candidates are more likely to be better handled by female specialists.

  • Prescription of Medications

Female fertility experts tend not to prescribe the medication at the early stage than male gynecologists.

Final Thoughts

Not every time, a woman feels comfortable with the female specialist. Once in a while, it happens that female patients feel more comfortable with a particular male fertility specialist.